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The Genocide In China

By Arya Hanumara

President/Social Effects Head/Co-Editor In Chief

(Source Embedded In Image)


In the past year, China has detained over a million Uyghurs and other Turkish Muslims in concentration camps. “Nails are being pulled out. Teeth are being pulled out. Snakes are being used to interrogate innocent people,” states Aydin Anwar, a Uyghur American Activist. Appalled by the current status of China’s conservative beliefs, Anwar is concerned with the lack of awareness brought to the particular issue. That is- one of the largest genocides occurring in history, rivaling the Holocaust.

China has the largest population in the world, creating unequivocal standards for mortality and nativity rates, which are ultimately associated with the United States and other countries. In simpler terms, the death of 100,000 people in the United States is something to be mourned by the entire country, whereas in China, that same number is just a mere statistic, ready to be completely forgotten about the next day. This leads to the question: What is really happening in China? Their current role in the COVID-19 virus is still to be debated amongst Americans. Some say that this pandemic has allowed the country’s true colors to show, and surprisingly, the amount of evidence discovered regarding this theory has been quite substantial. Regardless of China’s vast global impact, many news sources find their own country’s news to be more prevalent, primarily because of the efforts prompted by both the pandemic and the historic Black Lives Matter Movement.

China has a long history of discriminatory deals and actions. particularly instigated by their corrupt leaders and cultural norms. For instance, the culture has become quite anti-black, meaning that not only many Chinese citizens discriminate against people of color, but they also find ways to reinforce these thoughts with legal actions. Amidst the pandemic, numerous Nigerians were kicked out of their homes, resulting in increased homeless rates in minority groups. This has ultimately been paired with religious discrimination, a direct cause of the current genocide.

Chinese leaders are taking Uyghurs and Turkish Muslims from their homes and placing them into camps, very similar to Nazi concentration camps. There is not much information regarding the specifics of transportation to and from camps and methods of imprisonment, however, tactics such as conversion therapy to embrace atheism while pledging allegiance to the Chinese state, and the harsh removal of skin, teeth, and nails are all commonly reported. Sources also say that guards in the camps spend hours chanting in crowded cells daily, that “there is no such thing as religion,” “all hail the Chinese state,” and “all hail Chinese President Xi Jinping.” Any detainee that disobeys their orders is severely punished with grotesque forms of physical and mental torture. Women are also being sterilized, a method that forcefully closes a female’s fallopian tubes, preventing any chance of her having a child in the future. Additionally, certain prisoners are forced to sit in a ‘tiger chair,’ where they are clamped down for hours on end in solitary confinement.

As the detailed news of the genocide has not yet been spread to various ax-grinding powers, many are still not informed of the severity of the situation at hand. Whenever the issue is brought to Chinese Officials, the idea is falsified, as the concept is dismissed as a form of “fake news,” developed by rival countries. Not only does it deepen tensions between the United States and China, but it also prompts allyship between the U.S. and the European Union. With the current US President’s amazing morals and ethics, we can only hope that the United States will do the right thing and fight back against all suffering under Chinese imprisonment. However, the President does not possess these values, meaning that our entire country could go directly into conflict with China. Considering the mysteries that are unpacked every day from the country’s evident strikes for power, it might be a conflict that we have no real chance of winning.

Although these are very radical thoughts and opinions, and there are only a few survivors speaking out against China’s actions, there is still something to be said about the severity of the accusations and claims. The Chinese made it commonplace to cut Uigher births with the forced implantation of IUDs and Abortions. Although this might not occur in the camps described earlier, they still serve as precursors to the ultimate core of the religious hatred, China’s strict relationship with atheism, and spiritual values. China seems to be boasting all of its power within its country, but there is an external, newly found vulnerability created by the virus as well as America’s established god complex. While other countries see China as a force to be pitied, as the location of the origin of the virus, it is still odd that the country continues to claim its dominance both over its people and nearby powers. With the newly instigated border disputes with India and the continuous exploitation of Muslims, it seems that China is planning something deeper. Something that the rest of the world might only learn when something catastrophic occurs.



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