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Portland, Oregon has recently become the home of many protests against racism and police brutality. Portland does not seem like the most logical place for these protests to gain so much traction, as it is a predominantly white city and is located in the northwestern corner of the United States. However, in addition to becoming a key location for the demonstrations, the city has also become the host of many violent confrontations between protestors and unwelcome federal law enforcement agents in the past week. Here is some information regarding the situation in Portland, the history behind it, and what you can do to help.


The demonstrations in Portland that were sparked by the killing of George Floyd are also motivated by the deeply rooted racism in the state’s history. In November 1857, less than two years before it was even established as a state, Oregon’s territorial constitution was adapted to bar people of color from coming within its borders. This provision was not repealed until 1926. The state also imposed a tax on people of color in 1862, along with bans on interracial marriage and racial exclusion laws that lasted for decades. It was not until 1951 that these laws were repealed.

There were still elements of racial exclusion for decades after these laws were repealed. Anti-Black hostility and housing covenants in Eugene, Portland, and many other cities made it challenging for African Americans to find housing or work in Oregon. A 2019 estimate by the U.S. The Census Bureau states that 87% of Oregon’s population is white, while only 2% is black. The long history of discrimination in Oregon had a large impact on the protests, especially in the very liberal city of Portland.


As of Tuesday night, there have been 55 consecutive nights of protests occurring in Portland. They had begun to taper down and were becoming increasingly benign when the arrival of uninvited federal troops rekindled the movement. The protests have gained even more traction now than they had previously in the past few months. One might wonder, what could possibly cause a revival in Portland while the movement seems to be petering out (although it’s not, I can assure you) in many other cities? Well, a lot of it probably has to do with the fact that people are being taken off the streets by camouflaged police and forced into unmarked vans against their will. Sounds like a dystopian horror novel, doesn’t it?

Yet that is exactly what is happening. President Trump has deployed hundreds of federal troops that have descended upon Portland for the purpose of protecting buildings and monuments from the protestors. The issue is, the way these troops have been “protecting” the city is creating chaos, as they have been forcing protestors into unmarked vans and rental cars after tear gassing them and grabbing them off the street, all while wearing camouflage body armor. These militarized federal agents from the Department of Homeland Security and Department of Justice are occupying more and more of downtown Portland, all while disregarding court orders that protect the rights of protestors from attacks by local law enforcement. In addition to sweeping people away in unmarked vehicles, they have used sharpshooters to maim people and have deployed military tools such as rubber bullets, tear gas, and sonic weapons.

The situation is getting so out of hand that Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler demanded that the federal troops leave the city due to the violence and vandalism that their presence has been encouraging. President Trump responded with a tweet claiming that he is trying to protect the city and that the federal agents are helping things. During his statement on Monday, July 20th, his exact words were “Portland was totally out of control, and they went in, and I guess we have many people right now in jail. We very much quelled it.” Considering that the violence and unrest have continued, the validity of his statement is questionable. Additionally, Trump has mentioned that he intends to implement similar tactics in other major U.S. cities, specifically those led by Democratic mayors. Several senators and other elected officials have deemed the deployment of the agents as an infringement on the state’s rights and are therefore demanding their withdrawal. Many analysts believe that the deployment of the federal troops is an open show of force and a clear political maneuver by President Trump.


Amidst the violence that has been occurring, many of the city’s residents have recounted their troubling experiences. Here are just a few of the experiences that have been shared.

  • Mark Pettibone - an arrested protestor who described his experience as feeling “like it was out of a horror/sci-fi” movie. He claimed that there were many officers in the van who were wearing camouflage and refused to identify themselves who put him in a cell. He recounts, “I am basically tossed into the van, and I had my beanie pulled over my face so I couldn’t see, and they held my hands over my head.”

  • Donavan Labella - a protestor who was shot in the face with so-called non-lethal weapons by the police. He suffered from skull fractures.

  • Chris Davis - a 53-year-old navy veteran who was beaten with a baton and pepper sprayed at a close range by a federal agent on Saturday, July 18th.


The federal agencies have continued with their harsh tactics, and they have claimed that they plan to continue them on a national level while remaining in the streets of Portland. Federal taxpayer dollars are being used to militarize these agencies. This is extremely problematic, as democracy and accountability are based on public transparency. That transparency is difficult to foster when journalists and legal observers are being attacked. The protests have become not only a fight for Black Lives Matter, but also to save the very democracy that our nation was founded upon.


Here is a list of ways you can help the situation in Portland:

  1. SIGN PETITIONS: There is a petition to get the Center for Disease Control to recognize that racism is a threat to public health. It was created by Leslie Gregoy, a Portland-based black female physician assistant. Sign it here:

  2. STAY INFORMED: Here are some great informative Instagram accounts to check out!

    1. @undocu_pdx provides resources and assistance for undocumented protestors.

    2. @carenotcopspdx is a grassroots campaign to abolish the police and help spread resources to all.

    3. @dontshootpdx is a social justice nonprofit organization that promotes social change through education and art. This account gives constant updates on places to donate, ways to help, and safety measures for people of color as well as the Portland protestors.

  3. CALL & EMAIL: Call the Portland Mayor’s office at the number (503)-823-4120 and email Demand for the federal agents to leave the city, either in your own words or using an email template.

  4. DONATE: Here are some great organizations to donate to.

    1. @nationallawyersguild is a group of volunteer lawyers, legal workers, law students, and jailhouse lawyer members of the first racially integrated bar association in the U.S.

    2. @pdxgdc is PDX’s general defense committee and bail fund for protestors.

    3. @portlandactionmedics provides protestors with chemical weapons wipes, safety garments, and necessary medical attention.


Instagram: @shityoushouldcareabout, @aclu_nationwide


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