The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted a multitude of aspects of daily life in the United States. Schools, in particular, ranging from elementary schools to college campuses, have faced a myriad of challenges when it comes to reopening and how to handle the admissions process in the near future. Given the likelihood of many colleges starting online for at least the first semester of the 2020-2021 year, many students are deciding to take a gap year or go on international programs. Additionally, it is uncertain whether the pandemic will have an impact on college students during the 2021-2022 school year in the United States or whether acceptance rates will continue to decrease, making admissions increasingly difficult. As such, here is a breakdown of the most popular gap year programs and the top ranked international universities for students who are considering taking gap years or leaving the United States for college altogether.
To clarify, the term “gap year” usually refers to a yearlong period of time in between high school and college that serves as a break from studies and a first taste of independence for young adults. The range of possible activities done during a gap year is limitless, but the kinds of gap years students take often fall into these three categories or are a combination of the following: travelling gap years, volunteering gap years, and working gap years.
Travelling gap years are often used to travel the world and get a feel for different countries and their cultures. There is a very broad range of how long you travel for and where you decide to go, but these programs can often be scheduled through an agency or independently booked depending on the level of flexibility you desire. It is often common to combine your travels with language schools or with a homestay with a local family in order to gain a better understanding of the area’s culture.
Volunteering gap years are charity and volunteer projects that occur both at home and abroad. There is a huge range of these programs, but they often center around helping a community, helping the environment, or bettering the world in some other respect. Overseas volunteer programs often allow their participants to do some traveling and see the countries they are helping, while charity programs within the US can also provide new experiences while helping you better understand what careers you would like to pursue later in life.
The third category of gap years is the working gap year. Depending on the type of career you wish to pursue, there will be a range of internship programs to give you a taste of working in your desired sector. Working gap years can help their participants discover what kinds of work they enjoy (or don’t) as well as other career options that are a bit more obscure. Participating in this type of gap year can give you a leg up when applying for college, as it distinguishes you from the crowd as long as you can display what you gained from it.
International Volunteer HQ - This organization offers gap years in 40 countries worldwide and often has volunteer housing, meals, and support included with their programs. It’s a great way to travel, give back to the local community, and get to know fellow volunteers.
Frontier - They offer volunteer opportunities abroad with a focus on scientific research and publication in order to make the world a more sustainable place while you help the community on a direct and personal level.
Gapforce - This program offers volunteer opportunities abroad with a lot of adventuring and traveling mixed in to create gap year expeditions, including optional multi-country extended trips.
TIVNU Building Justice - This 9 month program in Portland, Oregon focuses on social justice and is a way to combine that passion with Jewish life (participants are not required to be Jewish). Within it, participants will cook meals for the homeless in Portland, advocate for immigrant’s rights, grow food with children, and do various volunteer work to improve the Portland community.
Pacific Discovery - From South America to Australia and New Zealand, this gap year program focuses on hands-on learning projects in nature, often with a focus on wildlife research and sustainable conservation. It is perfect for those with an interest in immersion, nature, and adventure.
Sea/Mester Study Abroad At Sea - This gap year program allows you to travel across the ocean and visit numerous destinations over the span of three months, all while living on a ship with the other participants.
Projects Abroad’s Global Gap Year - This program is great for participants who want to see the world while experiencing various service projects, ending with a month of diving and marine conservation.
The Intern Group - They offer gap year programs all around the world for participants who wish to test out their future career and gain hands-on experience. The organization will pair you with a company that matches your profile, organize your visa, and help you find living accommodations.
There are many advantages to getting your undergraduate degree in a university outside of the US. At the moment, the most pressing reason is that the coronavirus situation in many countries is not as bad as it is in the US, so it is more likely to have in person classes without as big of a risk. Additionally, acquiring a college education in other countries is often less expensive than it is in the United States. Exposure to a new culture of learning as well as people from a variety of backgrounds is another key aspect of getting a college education internationally.
University of Oxford
University of Cambridge
Imperial College London
University College London
University of Edinburgh
University of Toronto - Canada
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich - Switzerland
University of Melbourne - Australia
University of Sydney - Australia
University of British Columbia - Canada
University of Copenhagen - Denmark
National University of Singapore - Singapore
Tsinghua University - China
Sorbonne Universite - France
University of Amsterdam - Netherlands
University of Queensland Australia - Australia
Nanyang Technological University - Singapore
University of Munich - Germany
École Polytechnique Federale of Lausanne - Switzerland
McGill University - Canada
Karolinska Institute - Sweden
King Abdulaziz University - Saudi Arabia
Utrecht University - Netherlands
Catholic University of Leuven - Belgium
Heidelberg University - Germany